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Volunteers needed.jpeg

Due to an increase in number of home matches this season, each player's family is being asked for additional volunteer duties. Everyone pitching in makes everything run more smoothly!

Those parents who prefer concessions shifts must sign up for 6 slots. Those willing to do scorebook or clock assignments are only required to do 4 slots. The book/clock slots are combined, so even if you only hope to do the clock, you must be trained on the scorebook, as a backup.

If you sign up for book/clock slots, you must watch this 28-minute training video, and stay after the Welcome Luncheon on Saturday, August 5 for an additional training session, led by Susan Young.

Concessions workers do NOT have to participate in any training. All volunteers must complete the background check. There are no more "floater" shifts, as in past years. 


For those new to the program, families from the freshman teams should work shifts in the Navy Gym. JV and Varsity families work shifts in the Arena. We certainly don't expect you to work while your daughter is playing. So, for example, if your daughter is on Freshman A (Navy), you should sign up for slots during Freshman B games. That way you won't miss any of the action.  


All parents must sign up for shifts no later than Thursday, August 3 on this Sign-Up Genius link.  

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